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Friday, May 21, 2010

Jam of the Week - hostile?

It seems like everyone labels every artist on the mainstream level with some level of disdain ad stupidity. Granted that is true to some extent, people need to realize that A&R's and Companies like Universal will want to promote crappy music just to appeal to those who just listen to dancefloor music...a.k.a most of america (sad truth)

BUT one of the people i find to be the best among the mainstream, the diamond in the shit-made rough, is...get ready for it...


"oh my god, you suck, he's so wack, he has no lyrics, he can't do anythingf;oierahfoierhfoHF"

some of you might be thinking this, but honestly, he's made some completely original stuff, and granted he's not be the next coming of Big L, he certainly holds his own on every track and comes with a style no one has discovered. He might not be the best rapper ever of all time...but his 'presense' (I guess you can put it that way) and the production that comes with it sounds pretty good.

It's a form of hip hop that I didn't really knew existed, and I guess Kid Cudi is the first to show me this. If it mkes you feel better, he's signed to Kanye's Record label, and Kanye is about to come out with an album that's sure to lead hip hop back in the already disfigured loop of the society of music.

This one is one of my favorites, when you have to deal with the bullshit of a University for a week, this is the kind of song  that calms you down

If it makes you feel better I included another song...another Virginia reminder

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